S2 E11 Creating your dream life as a woman with Ali Mayfield

Living in a busy culture as a woman sometime make us forget to dream: to be a dream woman mean to know what you want, know what you need to create but also still respect yourself, your body and your wellbeing.

Say NO to burnout, people pleased and say YES more to self care, self respect and self confidence. Let's create the life you want!

In this episode we have Ali Mayfield, she is a yoga teacher and entrepreneur, passionate about helping others create a life full of freedom in life and we will unravel the conversation around :

  • How to dream as a woman

  • What does self respect look like

  • How can we create self care as a ritual

  • How to honour the journey in the stages of being a woman

  • How to find the inner power to be the truest essence of ourselves and creating the life we want

S2 E10 Utilise your cycle to maximise your training results with Kate Boyle

There are days where you can just smash your PB's destroying sets and slaying goals. Working out feels so effortless and yet there are days where you feel struggle and challenging to get into a set. But Guess what there is explanation behind it. YOUR CYCLE.

Due to the fluctuating nature of our hormones throughout your cycle, your maximal strength, muscle mass and performance may vary over the month. It’s not just your muscle tissue that’s physiologically affected, your mood and energy levels are impacted too.

in this episode we will unravel:

  • How does the menstrual cycle affect exercise and our routine

  • The difference between men's and women's related to training and exercise

  • There is explanation why women are more prone to get injured from exercise during her period

  • How cortisol effect our cycle and training results

S2 E09 Empowered by Love with Emma Strembickyj

For many people Yoga can be describe only as exercise or movement practice. However, yoga is rich, potent and ancient self care not just for our physical body but also for our soul. It begins with self-awareness to realise that everything you do matters, how you move, how you show love to others (and yourself), what input you put into your body, mind and soul.

In this episode we will discuss more with Emma Streambickyj. She is well-known Yoga teacher based in Melbourne, amazing soul, mother, daughter, forever student, teacher learning, growing and understand the shadows and light of life.

in this episode we will unravel:

  • How can we describe yoga as a self care

  • How can we connect more with our physical body out off the mat

  • Emma also share how can we seeing self care and understanding Obstacles that we face from everyday life

  • Emma also share her wisdom and story how did yoga support her during the transition of saying goodbye to her cycle as she is now in her boss witch phase (post-menopausal)

  • She also sharing her wisdom for the listener how can we really show up for ourselves 

S2 E08 Midyear inner check in

In this New Moon, New Month, Half of the year is a perfect time to do reviewing what has been happening in the last half of the year, where you're at on your way toward your goal. what the progression you have made. what still serve your energy and what doesn't.

The universe is calling you this week to do your inner check in, what can be more obvious invitation, with all the energy up on the air this weekend with New Moon in Cancer , the sign of nurturing, home and devoted, and also taking place right to Venus, the planet of love, abundance, beauty, fertility and victory.

The 4 flowers wisdom from this episode:

  • How's your life goal?

  • Boundaries

  • Manifestation

  • Enjoy life

S2 E07 The benefits of yoni steaming and how it can healed our menstrual cycle with Leilani Wilton-Harding

Yoni streaming also known as V-steaming is an alternative treatment to regulate irregular menstrual cycle, reduce pain periods, and exhaustion associate with menstrual cycle. This method involves squatting or sitting over pot or bowl of hot steaming water that is infused with herbs.

In this episode we will discuss more with Leilani founder of weaving the cycles, womb hara massage practitioner and Yoni steam therapy of the benefits of yoni steaming and how it can healed our menstrual cycle.

In this episode we will unravel:

  • What is Yoni? and What is Yoni streaming?

  • How can women use yoni streaming to heal their menstrual cycle

  • Leilani story of used yoni streaming to heal her missing cycle.

  • Leilani also share with us tips and rituals of how can women turn in and be more connected with yoni and our temple

S2 E06 Shamanism and Daoist dreaming with Clarissa

Dreams have long been recognized as powerful sources of insight and guidance, providing valuable messages for our spiritual journey. Dreams also can be expression of our soul desires or aspirations and can be manifestations of our spiritual gifts.

In this episode we have Clarissa Gunawan, she is apprentice at the School of Shamanic Womancraft to teach the Four Seasons Journey, She also teach a Daoist dream course called Dao of the Night and offering Chinese Polestar Astrology readings as well as Akashic Records readings.

in this episode we will unravel:

  • What is the philosophy between Shamanism and Daoist

  • What is the Dao of the night? Why dreaming so important?

  • Western vs Chinese/ Daoist cosmology?

  • How can we use dreams as a spiritual path?

S2 E05 How To Reclaim Your Menarche Story

In the society we don't really talk about Menarche (first period) it seem very taboo and held lots of shame just by mentioned. In this episode I will share my very first experience of my period (Menarche) and I also invite you to reclaimed your Menarche story, share few tips how to explore deeper and tools how to celebrate your Menarche .

Journal prompts to explore:

  • How old were you when you had your first period?

  • What was your First experience at Menarche?

  • What was the experience teach you to become a woman?

  • Is there any message you would like to tell to your Menarche?

S2 E04 What is Menarche with Sussana Christine

Menarche is defined as the first menstrual period in a female adolescent, and menarche can be taboo topic in society or even in female group, community or family but we all know there is a power hiden in every topic that is taboo

In this episode we have Sussana Christine, she is a Menstrual Cycle Coach and supports people who menstruate to create a deeper connection, awareness and understanding of their menstruating body and changing cyclical needs, she is also a certified First Moon Circles facilitator and hosts First Moon Circles.

In this episode we discuss

- What is menarche ?

- How was her journey with menarche itself?

- How important it is to reclaim our menstrual story and why?

- How can we celebrate menarche even that has happend decades ago?

- She also will share few tips on how to reclaim your Menarche .

S2 E03 Pleasure, Sex and Body Connection with Tara Permenter

There is so many taboo around pleasure, especially in women's but in this episode we will break them up and uncovering the taboos around pleasure, Sex and body connection and why is so important for woman to reclaim this goodness.

In this episode we have Tara Permenter, Physiotherapist and mother of 3. She offer education and physiotherapy to empower people to achieve their goals.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is Pleasure and How our body respone to pleasure

  • What are the affects of oxytocin in females

  • What is the female ejaculation expression 

  • The connection between the body and brain if females can't express their pleasure 

  • How to get more connected to our bodies

S2 E02 Movement and Women’s Health with Andrea Aptimes

The first time I heard about movement can improve not only the the physical body but also mental health and wellbeing, I am shocked!!! Event that I have been move my body for my whole life I didn't know that exercise cause our brain to release 'feel good' chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that help improve our mood.

I feel so many of us especially women has come to the gym/PT/exercises classes from the state of disconnected from our Bodies ( Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually).

In this episode we have Andrea Aptimes from Happy place wellness and she will share with us how important is movement for women's: exercise can be benefit for your mental health as well as your physical health.

in this episode we discuss:

  • How's Andrea journey from PT to movement coach

  • How important to mix the exercise/movement into your schedule

  • How Andrea support her client's with their journey to make them feel at home in their body

  • Tips for women who've just started their journey to reconnect with their body through movement

S2 E01 The Sacred Art of Pause

If you are woman who's live in the rat race, feel burn out, anxiety, restless, experiencing PMS, this is episode for you sister!

The sacred art of pause is a skill many of us were never been taught or been value by society, culture or even family.

In the last few month I have been re-learning and reclaiming many different skill how to get back to reconnect with myself and I would love to share that with you how to reclaim the Sacred art of pause and reconnect with our Self

on today's podcast we exploring:

  • Silent build inner wisdom

  • Your body is your inner teacher that storage the pain from physical, mental and emotional bodies

  • Trust the divine messenger 

Ep 17 What is the connection between the water element and Women Cycle with Madie

In this episode we have Madie.  She's menstrual cycle coach and passionate about water and hydration.

In this episode we will talk about the fourth phase of water and the connection between the water elements and women's cycle 

Ep 16 Why many women with PCOS struggle to lose weight with Gemma

In this episode we have Gemma, She is an Accredited Practieing Dieitian and has a Masters of Dietetics as well as a Bachelor of Food Science & Nutrition. She specialises in gut health and corporate dietetics and works closely workplaces doing seminars, cooking demonstrations, health checks and 1:1 consultations. Gemma also works in private practice where she sees patients with a range of gut conditions as well as people needing support with weight management and diabetes. In addition to this, Gemma is a research dietitian at the University of Melbourne and Deakin University. 

In this episode we will unpacking the conversation why many women with PCOS struggle to lose weight, also Gemma will share her own story journey with food itself that led her to where she is now.

Ep 15 Women’s Cycle Part 3 - The Inner Season

In this episode we going little bit deeper then our previous women’s cycle part 1. I’m going to share about the women’s menstrual cycle using the inner season framework also focus on our 3 hormones thar playing roles in the flow of our cycle.

Ep 14 The connection between Peri-Menopause and Pre-Menstrual Phase with Hannah brown

In this episode we have Hannah Brown. She’s Menstrual Cycle Coach, Social worker and mum who’s passionate about fighting the stigma around menstruation and want to support girls and women who have better periods and reconnection to their cycle. In this episode we will unpacking the conversation around the secret connection between Menache, Pre Menstrual Phase and Peri-Menopause

Ep 13 How to run a business in the feminine way with Tee

In In this episode we have Tee.  She's business owner ,a yoga teacher, chiropractor and reiki practitioner.  In this episode she kindly share few tips how to running a business in feminine way and sharing her own story how she give birth to this business.

Ep 12 Healing through kinesiology with Belle billinghurst

In this episode we have Belle Billinghurst, Kinesiologist practitioner/teacher, reiki practitioner and many other modalities of healing tools under her belt, in this episode we will uncovering how can kinesiology support our healing journey with our higher self, our bodies, our womb and people around us.

Ep 11 How to balance hormones with Monique Dickson

In this episode we have Monique Dickson she is women's cycle & hormonal coach and in this episode we will uncover the conversation around what is hormonal balance vs imbalance for women's and how to reclaim our hormones back into the track after postpartum, monique also share her best tips to how you can start your journey to reclaim your full potential healthy hormones.

Ep 10 Which Moon Cycle does your period align with?

In this episode I will talk you through the connection between the women's cycle and the moon cycle and what is it mean for you to menstruate/bleeding in different phase of the moon, there is connection between the moon and women depending where are you bleeding on which phase of the moon cycle, and we will discover what is Red Moon Cycle, White Moon Cycle, Pink Moon Cycle and Purple Moon Cycle.

Ep 9 Women Cycle ~ The different phases of Menstrual Cycle

In this episode I'm going to unpacking all about Women's Cycle, 4 different phase of Menstrual Cycle, the hormones that play role from phases to phases and why is import to know this information as women.

Ep 8 Living authentic as women with Emily Bourke

In this episode I bring you beautiful guest Emily Bourke from the embodied empress, we are going to unravel empowering conversation around her journey living authentic as a woman, also she talk about how your shadow is ruling your reality and how can you noticed it and working through it, she also will give you tips how to working with your shadow and evolve from it.

Ep 7 Why Women need to apply Ayurveda to their lives with Paige Taylah

In this episode I bring you special guest Paige Taylah a yoga teacher and ayuvedic practitioner from Om Som and we are going to unravel powerful conversation around women's cycle, Ayurveda and why it's important to applied ayurveda in our life.

Ep 6 Women’s and Goddess with Heidi Trigar

In this episode I bring you special guest, my dear teacher Heidi Trigar and we are going to unravel powerful conversation all about bhakti yoga, Indian goddess and the connection between women's, goddess and cycle of life as a women.

Ep 5 Women’s mental health and body image with Addy Buck

In this episode I bring you special guest Addy Buck from Inner Rhythm and we are going to unravel juicy conversation around women's mental health, body image, eating disorder and how menstrual cycle awareness can help better understand and hold ourselves in time of mental turbulence.

Ep 4 Healing Journey in Pre-Menstruation Phase with Rowena

In this episode I bring you very special guest Rowena from Raising Up and we are going to unravel empowering conversation around her experience of healing journey during the Pre-Menstrual phase, moving deeper into the inner temple of wholeness as a woman and how can we surrender and give ourselves permission to sow up into the world in this phase of our menstrual cycle.

Ep 3 Motherhood, Mother Phase and Mother Archetype Charlotte Pointeaux

In this episode I bring you special guest Charlotte Pointeaux from Wild Flow Podcast and we are going to unravel spicy conversation all about mothers, from motherhood, mother phase and mother archetype. Charlotte is Internationally award winning cycle coach, menstrual educator, mother of 3 beautiful girls and many business baby.

Ep 2 The connection between the moon and women’s with Steph Johnson

Hi Sister In this episode we have very special first guest, Steph Johnson is a wonderful international consulting astrologer with 30+ years experience and we are going to unravel powerful conversation around the moon and the connection of lunar cycle and women's cycle and why is important for women’s to connected with the moon.

Ep 1 The Journey of Women’s Collective Consciousness

Hi Sister welcome to the first episode of Women's Collective Consciousness Podcast . The intention behind this podcast is to unpacking the empowering conversation around women's cycle, health, wellness and wellbeing. Support and empowering women though their journey to support women's to relearning, remembering, reconnecting and reclaiming the feminine power to bring the collective consciousness amongst women's. In this first episode I share with you how this women’s collective consciousness was named and the journey behind this community.