Take care of your body. Make friends with it, for it is your instruments of life. Appreciate of your cycle because it gives you the opportunity to love and work, to play and to look at life.

My journey with Menstrual Cycle Awareness began at Menarche is the first menstrual cycle, first menstrual bleeding, when a girl becomes a woman.

The experience of my first bleed really brought back the memories I shared with my birth mother.

It was mid term break when I was 10, just like most young girls do at midday, I was playing outdoors with friends running around. I then felt the urge go to the bathroom and there it was. My Power had arrived! SHE is beautiful, soft, with pure red colour like red rose. I went straight to told my mum “ mum SHE’S here!”. My mum gave me sanitary items like pads and showed me how to use them. She checked her calendar and blocked out all of her schedule for the next couple days and then started to call all her sisters, friends and neighbours. I had no idea what was going on! On day 3 of my cycle, many women from my family has come to our house and that is where my Menarche ceremony began.

Thanks to my mum, who gave SHE a warm welcome. That was an unforgettable celebration (better then my 10th birthday party). There were rituals, lots of chanting and singing with a big feast of Nasi Tumpeng ( Indonesian Dish; Traditionally featured in ceremony). I couldn't imagine myself without this experience. I know I am the lucky one who's born into a family that honour this and I acknowledge many females don't have anyone to welcome to their menarche. I Heard You and That’s why I am here to support you to your menstrual cycle journey or beyond.

Over the past few years since i have moved to Australia and start my yoga practice and deepen my connection to the divine with in me. my life have evolved drastically; the transition to moved county and adapted with the 4 seasons has taught me to accepting the natural rhythm of life.

Everything was born, grew, died, harvested, reborn in some way; Beginning the cycle again. The world viewed as a series of cycle progression of the seasons: spring, summer. autumn and winter. The more i get closer to the earth and immerse myself into it, the more i learn about the my own Cycle. just like the season there is time to rest, to plant and to harvest. There is time for everything.

Menstrual Cycle Awareness framework have support and give me opportunity to be best version of myself, knowing when the best time I can gift more to my son, family and work. also still finding the balance to having fun with my community.

It would be a great honour to support you toward your Menstrual Cycle Awareness journey to connected with your power, your womb and cyclic nature of life.

If you are woman who’s struggling with your cycle, PMS, feel not belonging in your body, and trying to fix yourself.

And maybe you are feeling burn out every-month again and again in this linear world and not sure how to work cyclically, maybe you are feeling the lack of supported of just being a woman, maybe you need plan how to start cycle sync but not sure where to started.

Trying to work alone can be challenging and de-motivating.

Menstrual Cycle Coaching isn’t therapy, I won’t prescribe you any medication or pills, I do not promise you will get your period on time.

But I am here to support you having better relationship with your cycle, with your period blood, hold space for you to explore your menstrual journey, unravel the rite of passage and teach you how to connected more with your cycle and the nature of life cycle such the moon, season, and elements.

Coaching isn’t just talk and chat about your problem is more than that. It’s way to get into the root of the problem, get clarify and take action, so you can get the life you always dreams of, intimate relationship with your body, cycle, womb and your magic pussy.

How it works:

  • Book your Free 30 minute discovery call purely to discuss and unveil where are you o your path of menstrual cycle, and see if we are connected.

  • If we are connected and you would like continue working with me, you will need to answer a series of questions ( via email) about your cyclic experience and what do you need from working with mw.

  • in our first month/session is to focused on exploring your cyclic experience, understanding the menstrual cycle framework and setting intention for our next following call

  • in following month/session we will unravel the clues what need to unravel and discover

  • after the each call there might be some suggestions for ceremonies , rituals or practice to do in your own time.

  • follow up check-in via email/whatsapp/telegram.

Work with me

3 month coaching package

  • First sessions is 90 minutes

  • Following 2 sessions are 75 minutes each

  • Unlimited supported between the calls via email/whatsapp/telegram.

  • Package available within 3 months from the first call.

    The energy exchanging for this package $1212 AUD which can be paid in full instalment or across 3-6 months to spread the cost.

3x sessions package

  • First sessions is 75minutes

  • Following 2 sessions are 60 minutes each

  • Limited supported between our call via email only

  • Package available within 12 months after purchase.

    The energy exchanging for this package $912 AUD which can be paid in full instalment or across 3-6 to spread the cost.

Not quite ready yet to commit work with me ?

You can book Free 30 minute discovery call

A complimentary 30 minute discovery call purely to discuss your intention and unveil where are you on your path of menstrual cycle journey and how best I can support you.

This 1:1 Cycle Coaching is a support for you to reconnect with yourself, your womb, your higher energy and to embrace the cyclic nature of life using Menstrual Cycle Awareness framework.

What we might explore in cycle coaching is Menstrual cycle framework : cycle charting, exploring different phases of cycle, hormonal fluctuation and how this affecting your life as a cyclical being, explore your menache and birthing stories, rite of passage, how the connection between you and your physical bodies.


Vera - 32 yr old

“I had my menstrual cycle coaching call with the wonderful Ririn who started off with a beautiful meditation to connect to my body before diving into my cycle, I've been struggling with my period for a few years and Ririn was able to ask the right questions to dive into the why's! I came out of the session with a better understanding of my menstrual cycle and some tools to reduce stress and check in with myself during different phases of my cycle. I highly recommend Ririn if you want to dive deeper into your cycle.”

Kaitlyn - 34yr old

“I absolutely loved my session with Ririn. Her nurturing and warming guidance was highly informative and gave me a new perspective on my cycle. I walked away understanding my body in more depth. Highly recommended! Thanks ririn xx 

Samira - 38yr old

“ I had a menstrual cycle coaching session with Ririn, I was a little nervous, I mean talking about your period can be uncomfortable. Ririn made me feel so comfortable, she held the space for me to freely express and share without any judgement. I love that she took note and pointed out the little things I had shared with her. Ririn doesn't just preach she practices what she preaches and inspires through her own actions.”