Are you the type of woman that feels like you may not belong, feels alone or disconnected? Do you have the need of wanting to thrive and connected with sisterhood?

Then WCC is the space for you!

We are here for each individual, identifying as a women, to connect with each person within our woman’s community.

Ri has created a space for this community to connect so we can bring the collective consciousness and support women to feel a sense belonging and trust. Rather than being at the top of a pyramid, being inside a community that is filled with love and support is what holds us together. When you join this community, expect to meet other women that want to connect, share and thrive together through Gatherings, Events, Workshops, Women's Circle, Pilates & Yoga, Women’s Retreats and Activities with like minded people. In the meantime, when we aren't catching up in person, there is a Facebook group for us to keep in touch, check in and share like minded posts.

And as Menstrual Cycle Coach Ri also has offer to work with you 1:1 through cycle coaching sessions, support you to re-connect with your cycle because she believe accepting our cycle which is a part of the natural rhythm of life it will support not just our self but also the whole.

look forward to connecting with you!


It all began with an idea of having a women’s community. This idea soon evolved into wanting to create a sisterhood that can uplift, support and coach each other doing activities that we women like to do. Activities such a pilates, yoga, embodiment movement, exploring nature, seeing different places, expressing our-self through art and exploring different activities. 

After many events and gatherings within this women's community, most of the women I have been lucky enough to meet have expressed they have a great friend called ‘fear'. Fear of not fitting in, fear of not belonging. Most of these women are led to believe that the two feelings (of fitting in and belonging) mean the same thing. Well here is a description from Brené Brown, the call of courage Fitting in vs belonging 

"Fitting in is assessing and acclimating ; here’s what I should say or be. Here’s what I shouldn’t say. Here’s what I should dress like

Belonging is belonging to yourself first. Speaking your truth and never betraying yourself for others"

Who's never experienced trying to fit into the society, group, community, friends or even family? And let's be real, I was one of those people too. Trying so hard to fit in until I felt saturated, sick and exhausted and when I truly learnt to stop ‘trying', I finally understood that I was actually longing for the feeling of belonging within myself!

Fortunately I’ve found tools to bring myself back to my truth. Through a daily practice check in with myself on the mat with meditation and yoga, I have taught myself how to listen to my physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual bodies. Using MCA (Menstrual Cycle Awareness)practice and charting, my cycle has constantly shown to me, not only what's going on with my body that month but also the cycle I am following in life.

"True belonging only happened when we present our authentic, unique, beauty and imperfect of ourself to the world, Our belonging can't be greater than our level safe of acceptance"

With these great tools, I have found myself belonging and able meet the consciousness to feel held in a great softness, tender and gracious arm of the divine mother.

When I step out of the unconsciousness; the dark and nothingness, I step off the edge into the great consciousness and this is the another reason why I created this community. I want to support you in finding yourself, find your belonging to yourself and guide you to become consciousness of who you are and what you want to be in this world. And just like that, the name of this community was born. Women's collective consciousness.

The community and I want to support you to thrive and bring you to the state of great consciousness that will bring you Home to - YOU.

Follow our journey.


Face behind Women’s Collective Conciousness

I am Ririn Febriyanti but most people called me Ri

First and foremost I am a mum with 1 beautiful little man (he doesn’t like to called boy anymore).
I am Menstrual Cycle Coach and Cycle nerd (I can talk hours about menstrual cycle, period, womb and magic pussy), I also a yoga teacher and pilates instructor specialised in pre-post natal.
I am a holder of space for women’s from their maiden to crown and have a very particular passion for motherhood phase of womanhood.
I hold women’s circle, ceremony and ritual.

In 2022 when I have created women’s collective consciousness all I wanted was women’s community where I can feel belonging , able share and express myself with no judgement.

And as I thrive so does this community now this is the place where I can support the tribe to thieve and evolve amongst sisterhood. My offering for this community such women’s circle, gathering, workshop, cycle coaching, yoga, pilates and more.

I'd love to talk to you more about any of the offerings I have for this community or perhaps more personal to suppor you in your Menstrual Cycle journey, creating ceremony or ritual, planning program tailor for your practice that suit you the best to achieve your intention and goals recording where are you in life as a woman.
Slide to my Emails anytime to connect xx